They say that opposites attract, and that is undoubtedly true for Bill Bartnicki, Regional Manager for Bill Brown Sales. At 6’5”, Bill towers over his petite wife Laura, who is only 4’ 11”. They have been happily married for 35 years, so the height difference is clearly no obstacle. Speaking of opposites, however, Bill is a White Sox fan, while Laura supports the Cubs. In the world of Chicago sports, that can be a bigger hurdle!
Bill has worked for A.L.P. and Bill Brown Sales for most of his career, holding plant and customer service positions before becoming Customer Service Manager and then BBS Regional Manager. He was fortunate to work in the Niles, IL corporate headquarters and learn about business success first-hand from our founder, Bill Brown. He follows Mr. B’s famed advice daily, “Where the customer is concerned, there is no tomorrow!”

Bill is a dedicated outdoorsman who enjoys spending time at the family vacation spot in Green Lake, Wisconsin. In addition to hunting and boating, he enjoys fishing, even ice fishing (brrrrr). He and Laura live in the Chicago suburbs and are proud parents of Kevin, a firefighter and paramedic, and Chris, a national signage company project manager.
Bill manages the Central Territory for BBS, including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Eastern Canada.