Are you taking advantage of all
that Bill Brown Sales has to offer?
These are some of the unique benefits of doing business with Bill Brown Sales:
A Nationwide Organization
Not just one person or office.
Engineering Support
Our engineering staff works with suppliers and customers on new products, upgrades and problem solving. We have product design teams, tooling experts, prototyping and our own photometry lab.
Regional Offices
Familiarity with the local markets and conditions.
Art and Advertising Consultation
Our experienced in-house marketing and graphics experts provide ideas and even do the layout for data sheets, catalogs, price lists, ads, etc. We can consult on your initiatives and even provide support services.
IESNA/CIE Involvement
We actively participate in Regional and National IESNA Committees and Functions.
International Exposure
Our sales, marketing and engineering executives are in constant contact with and travel regularly to Europe and Asia. We know about new technologies years before they arrive in North America.
Double Guarantee
Each factory stands behind the products they sell. BBS also stands behind each of the products we represent. We represent your needs to the factory. We represent their capabilities to you.
One Call Does It All
Yes, one call, email, or face-to-face meeting with your BBS representative puts you in contact with over 10 manufacturers of lighting components for OEMs. Streamline your vendors and give yourself extra time in the day.