Meet the Team: Michael Malvin

Michael Malvin is the newlywed on the Bill Brown Sales team. He and his lovely bride, Leah, tied the knot less than two years ago. Their wedding festivities featured a …

Meet the Team: Bill Bartnicki

They say that opposites attract, and that is undoubtedly true for Bill Bartnicki, Regional Manager for Bill Brown Sales. At 6’5”, Bill towers over his petite wife Laura, who is …

Custom Thermoformer Genesis Launches New Website

Genesis Plastics Technologies, a plastics thermoformer represented by Bill Brown Sales, recently unveiled a brand new, improved website.  Featuring manufacturing videos, company background, and complete contact details, the site also …

Meet the Team: Tim Forse

If Tim Forse didn’t pursue a career in the exciting world of lighting, he thinks he would be drawn to missionary work, either evangelism or providing hands-on help. He aspires …

Meet the Team: Glenn Mitchell

It may surprise Glenn Mitchell’s customers to hear that, among his BBS co-workers, Glenn has a reputation for being quite a prankster.   Fortunately for us all, the usual target for …

Meet the Team: Eli Seidman

BBS Regional Sales Manager Eli Seidman has many talents. Still, among his friends and co-workers, perhaps his most popular gift is baking the MOST DELICIOUS chocolate chip cookies that any …

Meet the Team: Donny Wall

Who is the biggest sports nut on the BBS team? Well, that is a crowded playing field (pun intended)! But as an athlete and avid sports fan, Donny Wall undoubtedly …